
Monday, June 8, 2009

NY loves Palin!

I found some more links from Palin's visit in New York last weekend. The local press loved her! All the reports were surprisingly positive, and they also recognized that she has a huge following in New York. The local press even stated that she hadn't been out of Alaska since the campaign - they didn't repeat the tired lie that she's not focused on Alaska, which even her own state legislature is spewing.

I watched this video of a local news report and the crowd was FIRED UP at her speech! The biggest applause line was when she said we love our country, we're proud of it and we don't have to apologize for it. Go Sarah! Someone held a sign that said "hey Alaska, want to swap governors?" Loved it.

She also attended a Yankees game and spoke at an Autism Awareness event. Here are some photos!

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