
Thursday, May 5, 2011

First 2012 GOP debate is tonight - Palin not attending

The first GOP debate of 2012 is being held tonight in Greenville, South Carolina. Here's the list of participants:

Herman Cain
Gary Johnson
Ron Paul
Tim Pawlenty
Rick Santorum

Um...yeah. With the exception of Cain, that group is pretty pathetic. I'm so glad Palin is skipping this debate. If this is the best the GOP has to offer, then I think in a few months the entire country will be begging Palin to run. And I think this is exactly why Palin has waited to make her announcement. As the candidates start shaping up, compared to Palin they are just so un-inspiring and yawn-worthy. If we really have to choose from a list like this (give or take a few) we're going to be pretty bummed.

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