
Monday, May 23, 2011

Stop the presses!! Front page MSM news!! A Palin insider has written a tell-all!!!

Way to be predictable, Frank Bailey...way to try and cash in on your time with the Governor like every other greedy famewh*re who gets within one mile of her. You must be really hard-up for cash. From the AP:

(The book is) based on tens of thousands of emails that Bailey said he kept during his time with Palin.


I'm sure everyone is breathlessly awaiting the release of your stalker emails, you transparent tool.

Also a golf clap goes to the AP, in writing that Palin had a "brief stint" as Governor. Well played, AP. You really got her good! //not


Northern Exposer said...

Well, if any of the e-mails the MSM was salivating over in hopes of finding some damning material before they discoverd they were much ado about nothing (did you happen to notice how disappointed they were at that?)is any indication of the e-mails he possesses, it won't be a much of a read.

It'll be in the bargain bin in a matter of weeks.

Northern Exposer said...

"I'm sure everyone is breathlessly awaiting the release of your stalker emails, you transparent tool."


Adrienne said...

Ha ha. You know they were disappointed. Every time some "insider" tries to publish dirt, the MSM gives them airtime and hopes desperately that they'll find something scandalous. They're let down every time.